Mule Deer
Alberta Trophy Mule Deer Hunts

Our Alberta trophy mule deer hunt is our specialty and ranks with the best there is. Whether you hunt the prairies in the south, the mountains in the west or the Peace River area in the north you’ll soon see for yourself the quality of mule deer Alberta is known for.
Alberta’s premiere Mule Deer outfitter.
Outstanding Trophy Quality and Success Rates!
Many of our clients will see more true trophy class mule deer bucks on one hunt with Double Diamond Outfitters, than they’ve seen in all their previous hunting trips combined. Mule deer hunting in Alberta is truly second to none!
You can count on our long history of proven trophy producing areas, experienced and knowledgable guides to provide you with the best muley hunting anywhere. With hunts in the Rocky Mountains, foothills and prairies of southern Alberta, Canada, you’re sure to find a hunt that’s made for you.
Prairie Deer Hunts
The prairie deer hunts consist of four four-day seasons, which take place Wednesdays through Saturdays in November. The outstanding success rates and superb trophy quality keep this hunt in high demand. The area consistently produces exceptional trophy mule deer, which are the priority on this hunt. Some big whitetail bucks are also available, if you see one while hunting for that monster muley.
The terrain consists of prairie grassland, grain fields, coulees and river bottoms. Most deer are taken at about 200 yards or so, though some longer shots on both mule deer and whitetails are possible in this open country.
You have some options available to extend the length of this hunt, or add other species if desired. There is also some great wingshooting available, so you can precede or follow your deer hunt with some upland bird or waterfowl hunting.
Accommodation can be either ranch house or motel, depending on the unit you are hunting, transportation is by 4X4 or on foot.
Mountain Deer Hunts
The deer season in our mountain zone begins in late September. This is the time of year for you to hunt the high country for big mature muley bucks in their bachelor herds. For these early season hunts you can often combine mule deer with black bear, elk or moose. You can also combine mule deer and antelope, starting with pronghorn hunting on the prairies and then hunting mule deer in the mountains for the remainder of the hunt.
The season continues through the rut, to the end of November. Big bucks that have spent much of their time in seclusion, now can be found in the lower elevations of the foothills as they search for does to breed.
Starting the last week of October, whitetail bucks increase their activity as they enter the initial stages of the rut, making scrapes, rubs, etc. This is when you can begin hunting whitetail deer and mule deer together on our popular six-day combination hunt.
For these hunts you will either take daily trips from our home with the horses and trailer to one of several trail heads that lead to our trophy deer hotspots, or stay at one of our wilderness tent camps.
For much of the area, no motorized vehicles are allowed, so access is only on horseback or foot, further limiting hunting pressure and ensuring big trophy mule deer and whitetails are available year after year.
The arrival/departure point for our mule deer hunts is Calgary International Airport. We will pick you up there (or at your hotel, should you need one), prior to your hunt.
Your licenses are always guaranteed for all species, meaning there are no draws you have to enter.
There’s more! In addition to mule deer hunts, you will also find information about other great hunts in Alberta, Canada for: whitetails, moose, elk, antelope, cougars (mountain lions) and bears.
Just click on one of the links below to view the details for some of the other hunts you might enjoy. Feel free to call us anytime, we’d love to hear from you. When you’re ready for a mule deer hunt in Alberta, we recommend that you talk with our references to hear why they chose Double Diamond Outfitters!
The current price list is available on our booking page.
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